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Found 4 results

  1. Um meiner alten Liebe ein letztes Denkmal zu setzen, eröffne ich diesen Thread. Kurze Erläuterung: San Leone war auf Starbounders.de mein Heimatplanet, der auch außerhalb eine gewisse Bekanntheit erlangt hat. San Leone war zugleich die Hauptstadt der gleichnamigen Republik, zu denen meine Projekte San Clemente, San Dionisio, Sant'Antonio und zuletzt auch San Geronimo gehörten - San Geronimo war der direkte Nachbarplanet von San Leone, und des Nachts konnte man vom Aussichtsturm San Geronimos sogar die alte Heimat erblicken. Da durch den neuen Patch auch diese Reste verweht sind, und wir etwas völlig neues planen, will ich hier zumindest eine Art Gedenkthread eröffnen. Wenn ihr ihn noch nicht kennt; hier ist mein Thread im offiziellen CF Forum, wo ihr alle Bilder, Videos und sonst noch alles ersehen könnt, was ich im ganzen vergangenen Jahr angestellt habe. Dort findet sich im Zweifelsfall alles, wenn auch nicht immer im ersten Post: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/the-republic-of-san-leone.74335/ Im Folgenden poste ich noch Videos zu den Planeten statt Screenshots, um die Sache kürzer zu machen. Bite postet nichts in diesen Thread, bis ich ihn freigebe, er wird noch erweitert.
  2. San Geronimo – Eine Starbound Siedlung Einführung und Überblick San Geronimo ist eine Gemeinschaft von bereits erfahrenen Starbound-Spielern, die Spaß am Bauen, Musizieren, RPG und gemeinsamen Zusammenspiel haben. Der Kern besteht aus ehemaligen Starbounders.de-Mitgliedern, die nach der Schließung des dortigen Servers hierhin gezogen sind; wir stehen aber auch für neue Mitglieder jederzeit offen, wenn sie unsere Philosophie und unsere Regeln beachten. Wichtig sind uns: Freundlichkeit und Respekt unter den Mitspielern. Andere Spieler sind für uns Menschen hinter einem PC mit Verstand und Emotion, keine lustig animierten NPCs aus Pixeln, die zu unserem reinen Vergnügen da sind.Gepflegte Konversation. Jeder macht einmal Fehler, aber Sprüche wie „Geh Villa“ oder „Gib Banana split“ sind bei uns nicht anzutreffen.Aktivität im Forum. Für uns stellt der Server nur eine Möglichkeit der Kommunikation dar; das Forum vertieft und bereichert diese.Gemeinschaft. Auch wenn jeder einzelgängerisch tätig sein darf wie er will, so helfen wir uns untereinander wenn jemand Hilfe braucht oder unterstützen uns untereinander bei Projekten nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen.Gemeinsinn. Unsere Regeln sind logisch und entsprechen dem gesunden Menschenverstand; im Zweifelsfall gilt „Was du nicht willst, was man dir tu, das füg‘ auch keinem anderen zu!"Im Folgenden ein paar Informationen zu uns, unserem Heimatplaneten San Geronimo und auch unseren Regeln. Inhalt Allgemeines zu San Geronimo und Grundregeln Leben auf San Geronimo Ämter Screenshots Bürger: Beatrice Memmo (Oberkonsul) BreacK Byron_Black Cyclus Karnivor (Oberädil) Lilietta Lucien Treso Minka Nokuy President Biznis Steve (Oberquästor)
  3. The Leeven – Pride&Prey Introduction The Leeven (in their own language: Li-Ven, also: Leevens) are an anthropomorphic lion-race, known as merchants, bankers and explorers. Always searching to increase their “prey” (Fa-mi) and the honor of their “pride” (Fi-ma), they reached the end of the galaxy and have a somewhat notorious reputation – characterized as sly, deceitful and even untrustworthy by those who were tricked by their advanced merchant practice. However, others are fascinated by their culture and unique society which can be defined as an anarchic-plutocratic system, consisting of alliances and feuds between different clan-structures. They are a rather peaceful race, because they like to exert power through money, not through war. In fact, their word for “pride and prey” (Fima-fami) means “power” in their language and is viewed as ultimate goal for a true Leeven. “Absorbing” a person, a colony or even a race by making it dependent from their commerce is viewed as art. Besides that, they have a very strong sense for their “pride”, which is much more than just a family or dynasty. If a member of a pride is attacked, all members of this pride and its allies will deal with the aggressor; in that case, these mostly gentle lions will show their teeth and roar. Even if the Leeven have started a space program themselves, they stick to their traditional culture which is a crossover of the Early Modern Period and the oriental Mediterranean. They like to raise fish in their bow-nets and press wine from grapes. Their society is heavily influenced by the "Book of Pride and Prey" (also called the "Book of Power"). As expanding its pride is seen as an important part of life, polygamy is common in leeven societies. Nevertheless, this depends on the status of a pride and has certain rules. Chapters I-IX: Main I. Physiology, Clothes, Armor II. Language, Names III. Everyday Life: Structures, Cuisine and Culture IV. The Philosophy of the Fima-fami Many Leeven thought that this may have leaded their society in a false direction, so this rule was later “enhanced”: The Fima-Fami has a high impact on the leeven worldview. Some frame the book as source for a very realistic, maybe even Machiavellian habit, which sees a possible source of money in anyone who is not part of their pride. On the other side, it also makes the Leevens rather non-ideological and skeptical when it comes to “great ideas” or fanatical thoughts. V. Pride: The Society Monogamy is known and accepted, but it is not seen as reasonable, because less partners means less prey and pride; prey because someone has less partners who may accumulate money, and pride because the amount of children has a very high value. Children are seen as investments, and the bigger a pride, the more are the chances to expand both. The Journey Children are considered as later members of the pride who will take the company over and expand it. A Leeven will live the first 19 years of his life in his pride, learning the elementary things a Leeven has to learn and also have a rather carefree life. However, when a Leeven celebrates his 20th birthday, he has to leave his pride for at least ten years. He is not allowed to return to his pride or to Lyon; he is also not allowed to speak with members of his pride, and vice-versa. Any communication, even letters are severely prohibited. Instead, the cub gets a symbolical sum of pixels, some fish, three grape seeds and the Book of Pride and Prey as “present” before he leaves. From now on, the cub begins his journey and is now known as a “lonesome” Leeven. In the following years, he has to show his talent by hunting his own prey. The child who makes the most fortune in his absence will become the favorite of the Mane, and as such the heir to this pride (if the Mane dies before a cub reaches his 30th birthday, the first partner will lead the pride, until a cub has reached his 30th birthday and gathered more prey than his sisters or brothers). However, many Leeven don’t return after ten years, which can have several motives. Bankruptcy or even death are the obvious ones. There is also a small minority which breaks with the leeven society and wants to stay entirely free from any control by a pride. But the most common one is a strange mixture of shame and ambition. Especially the former cubs of rich and important prides don’t return as long as they think that they have made enough fortune to impress their pride. It’s easy for the son of a sailor or merchant to return; but for someone who is the born as a son of the current Mane, it’s hard to impress the rest, because there is much more pressure on him. Pride comes also from “proud” and a Leeven would hurt his own pride if he can’t fulfill the same as his father or mother did. Some Leeven are the children of the noblest persons of their own pride at home, but have to explore the outmost parts of the galaxy to gain more prey than anyone else. Some of them never returned, but have become famous explorers, or expanded the pride in faraway sectors, establishing their own trade post there. VI. Politics VII. Religion and Superstition The term “lazy” is in the leeven language the same word for “sin”. Leevens are highly convinced that a concept of “sin” itself doesn’t exist, but all bad habits come from laziness. Here we come to a last, interesting point: the Leevens believe in an after-life, but view their ancestors only as spiritual entities, not as gods or deities. However, there is one concept which may be a relic from the time before the flood, which has still survived in the religious life of the Leeven: the Winged Lion. The Winged Lion or Leeon – in their language: Li-One, literally “(the one who is) with the people of the Ground” – awaits the dead on the other side of the “Great Water”. Sometimes shown with a sword, sometimes shown with a book, Leeon is the judge who knows all accounts, all fortunes, all shares, and even all spaceship insurances. He will divide the Lazy from the Powerful, and he will guide them to their eternal pride. However, the image of Leeon varies from a benevolent, wise lion to a furious beast when it comes to the belief of different prides. There is no concept of heaven and hell like we know it. After-life is very similar to the life before: the status depends on how much a Leeven earned in his life and how much he served his pride. If he was poor, he will stay poor and won’t have much influence when it comes to help the living; and if he didn’t help his pride before, his ancestors won’t accept him after his death. Postdestination, anyone? One further word: Atheism and Agnosticism ars known in the leeven society and tolerated. However, no one is convinced that something like Atheism or Agnosticism really exists. The most heard sentence in that case is: “So, our neighbor has become an Atheist? Well, I’m sure it’s a big surprise that he doesn’t have to pay for his chapel anymore!" VIII. History IX. Contact with other species To other races: Extended Universe (other races from concepts or mods) Even if a Leeven doesn’t know friendship outside his own pride, there is something like a benevolent attitude towards the Desulti – which is extraordinary. It seems that the value of “family” and recreation has been a motive why some leeven merchants view the Desulti as a race of “lazy prides”. And even if the Leeven are not interested in societies with a military tone, they acknowledge the fact that the Desulti keep the space free from pirates. Leeven will always be very friendly towards Desulti, even if those have made some bad experiences. Especially young lonesome Leeven have founded trade posts in Desulti colonies, or opened La-Zanja restaurants and made friendships with the local inhabitants. Different motives why I think that at least a thought in that direction has some value: - Geography: The current races reflect at least one continent – with the exception of Australia – but there are still white spots. Especially if we take the Glitch for “Europe”, their culture is mostly northern European, but doesn’t fit to the culture in Southern France, Italy or other Mediterranean areas. The same goes for the Middle East and its Arabic/Turkish/Persian culture. There are also some things in common with Armenian and Jewish culture. - History: Regarding timeframes, the Florans live in the Stone Age, the Avian in Ancient times, the Glitch and Hylotl are medieval, the Novakids 19th century, the Humans “Modern” and the Apex futuristic. However, there is no race for the Early Modern Era (1500-1800). - Politics: There is no race which has a pre-modern republican model with a government form consisting of families (oligarchy) and merchants (plutocracy) like most republics had back then (Italian Merchant Republics like Venice, Genoa, Pisa; the Dutch Republic; the Hansa). - No Merchant race: There is ALWAYS a trading nation in history. Not only lonesome merchants, but powerful institutions like East India Companies or whole states (Portugal, Venice). It’s just good business. - A defragmented race: I always find it a bit dubious if other alien races are able to unite their people if humanity may never reach that point. The Leeven are divided in dynasties which act like trading companies and such reflect a feudal society even more than the “real” feudal races in Starbound. Borgia, de Medici and the Montagues and Capulets come to mind. The same goes for the Arabian world were personal honor and the honor of the family has still that role. - The Florans live in trees, the Hylotl under water, but the Leevens ON water. - Some new possible goods – Wine and Fish – which should fit logical in the game. Also a possible, logical explanation why all races use Pixels. - Every race has a certain “plot” or “concept”. - You also need that certain tricky, untrustworthy race which you also find – for some reason – likeable. If Orwell was an Apex, Machiavelli would’ve been a Leeven. - Irony! Oh that irony. And puns. And Allusions. Some are really good. Not all, but some. The bad thing: I’m totally untalented when it comes to art (also pixel-art). I’m aware how low the chances are, but maybe there is some kind Modder out there who is interested to help me regarding the character design… Also I beg for pardon for my English.
  4. Sera zusammen, vielleicht hat der eine oder andere beemrkt, dass es hier ein paar Flüchtlinge auf diesem Server gibt. Ich dachte, es wäre eine nette Idee, einen kleinen Außenposten für uns zu errichten, und zwar auf dem Planeten San Geronimo, dem Wüstenplaneten um den San Leone kreist - das war mal ein nicht ganz unbekannter Planet auf Starbounders.de - und auf dem man sich treffen kann. Erwartet nichts allzu großes, stattdessen etwas kleines, feines. San Geronimo wird von mir ganz im "Leeven-Style" gestaltet, einer von mir mal als Theorienskript ausgedachten Rasse für das Starbound-Universum; dabei handelt es sich um eine Händlerrasse von anthropomorphen Löwen, die stark am Mittelmeerraum und den Handelsrepubliken der Frühen Neuzeit orientiert sind; architektonisch weist diese Spezies einen venezianisch-italienisch-spanisch-arabischen Stil auf (mehr dazu hier, für diejenigen, die es interessiert). Es wird noch etwas dauern, aber ich habe vor, symbolisch für jeden Flüchtling ein kleines Haus zu bauen. Ich habe einigen von euch - aber noch nicht allen, bitte meldet euch, wenn ihr noch keine Rechte habt! - bereits dort Rechte gegeben, bitte aber, dort ohne meine Erlaubnis nichts zu bauen. Da ich perfektionistisch veranlagt bin, will ich diesen Ort in "einem Stil" aufziehen um es atmosphärisch zu halten: eine kleine Wüstenstadt mit verschiedenen Treffpunkten. Wenn ihr mir helfen wollt, das sind ein paar Sachen, die ich immer gebrauchen kann: - Soft brick - Sandstone brick - Dirt (aller coleur, um daraus PACKED DIRT zu machen) - Wooden lattice (das sind die Rautenfenster, die man ab und an bei den Glitch und Agaranern findet) - Plant matter (das ist dieses buschige Pflanzengrün das man in einigen Untergrunddschungelbiomen findet; in diesem Fall auch bitte mal die Adresse eines solchen Planeten geben! ) Darüber hinaus brauche ich noch: - Weinsamen - Zuckersamen - verschiedene Palmensamen von anderen Wüstenplaneten, um etwas Abwechslung zu schaffen ... da ich bis auf mein Schiff so gut wie alles in San Leone gelassen habe, und nur wenige Dinge besitze. Bisher habe ich leider nur das Versammlungshaus fertig: Da man hier glücklicherweise Planeten "sichern" kann, werde ich hier auch bald die Koordinaten reinsetzen, sobald ich etwas zufriedener mit dem Ergebnis bin.
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